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dimanche 31 décembre 2023

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lundi 4 décembre 2023

02 chanteurs marocains*/* albaz avec la belle chansson / sbah elkhir , qui veut dire quelle belle matinée n est ce pas ! et le chanteur */* marocain av amrrakchy le chanteur marocain avec la chansson belle ikjder goukhssay .qui veut dire le cameleon animal dedans et depuis des annés dedans la citrouille .ayyaye ayyae ayyae ayyaye /*/-+ vive la place jemaa al fna de marrakech ville du maroc .continent afrika

site du chef des ministres marocains 

wa sbah lghir aaw wow wow quelle belle matinée ! combien tu as volés de kerozene et pieces detachés depuis ce matin miaaam miaam tu dis n est ce pas youf dagh ghassad idgam ! tu dis qui veut dire aujourd hui est plus beau qu hier !

le pays New Siberian Islands


New Siberian Islands

New Siberian Islands
Native name:
  • Новосиби́рские Oстрова (Russian)
  • Саҥа Сибиир Aрыылара (Yakut)
Location of the New Siberian Islands
New Siberian Islands is located in Russia
New Siberian Islands
New Siberian Islands
New Siberian Islands (Russia)
Locationbetween the Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea
Coordinates75°16′N 145°15′E
ArchipelagoNew Siberian Islands
Area29,900 km2 (11,500 sq mi)
Highest elevation374 m (1227 ft)
Highest pointMalakatyn Tas
Russian Federation
Federal subjectSakha Republic
Population2 (2017) on Kotelny Island

The New Siberian Islands (Russian: Новосиби́рские Oстроваtr. Novosibirskiye OstrovaYakutСаҥа Сибиир Aрыылараromanized: Saŋa Sibiir Arıılara) are an archipelago in the Extreme North of Russia, to the north of the East Siberian coast between the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea north of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, of which they are administratively a part.


Map of the New Siberian Islands (Philippe Vandermaelen "Map of the Asian Russia", c. 1820). Bunge Land was not discovered yet so Faddeyevsky Island and Kotelny Island were considered separately.

The first news about the existence of the New Siberian Islands was brought by a CossackYakov Permyakov, in the beginning of the 18th century. In 1712, a Cossack unit led by M. Vagin reached the Great Lyakhovsky Island.

In 1809–10 Yakov Sannikov and Matvei Gedenschtrom went to the New Siberian Islands on a cartographic expedition. Sannikov reported the sighting of a "new land" north of Kotelny in 1811. This became the myth of Zemlya Sannikova or Sannikov Land.[1] In 1886, Russian polar explorer and scientist Eduard Toll, during his first visit to the New Siberian Islands, thought that he had seen an unknown land north of Kotelny Island. He guessed that this was the so-called Zemlya Sannikova.[1]

Toll paid a further visit to the island group in the spring of 1892, accompanied by one Cossack and three natives. He traveled over the ice in sleds drawn by dogs and reached the south coast of Great Lyakhovsky Island.[1] Along the southern coast of this island he found well-preserved bones, ivory, peat, wood, and even a tree within 40-meter (130-foot) high sea cliffs that expose Late Pleistocene sediments. These sediments are cemented by permafrost and have accumulated periodically over the last 200,000 years.[2][3][4]

In September 2014, the Russian Navy re-established a Soviet era naval base on Kotelny Island which had lain abandoned since 1993.[5][6]


Location of the New Siberian Islands within Russia.

The New Siberian Islands proper, or Anzhu Islands (острова Анжу, Sakha: Анжу арыылара), covering a land area of about 29,000 km2, consist of:

  • Kotelny Island (о. Коте́льный) 11,700 km2 and
    • Faddeyevsky Island (о. Фадде́евский) 5,300 km2Bunge Land (земля́ Бу́нге) 6,200 km2 (occasionally submerged by sea) links Kotelny Island and Faddeyevsky Island. Very close to Bunge Land's northwestern coast lie two smaller islands:
      • Zheleznyakov Island (Ostrov Zheleznyakova), right off the NW cape and east of it, Matar Island (Ostrov Matar). Both islands have a length of about 5 km.
  • Nanosnyy Island 76.283°N 140.416°E is a small island located due north off the northern bay formed by Kotelny and Bunge. It is C-shaped and only 4 km in length,
    but its geographical importance lies in the fact that it is the northernmost island of the New Siberian group.
  • Novaya Sibir (о. Но́вая Сиби́рь) 6,200 km2
  • Belkovsky Island (о. Бельковский) 500 km2

To the south and nearer to the Siberian mainland lie the Lyakhovskiye Islands (6,095 km2):

The small De Long Islands (228 km2) lie to the north-east of Novaya Sibir.

The New Siberian Islands are low-lying. Their highest point is located on Bennett island, with an elevation of 426 m. They are part of the East Siberian Lowland, forming a geographical continuum with the continental plains further south.[7]

The New Siberian Islands once formed major hills within the Great Arctic Plain that covered the northern part of Late Pleistocene "Beringia" between Siberia and Alaska during the Last Glacial Maximum (Late Weichselian Epoch). These islands represent the remains of about 1.6 million square kilometers of the formerly subaerial Great Arctic Plain that now lies submerged below parts of the Arctic OceanEast Siberian Sea, and Laptev Sea. At this plain's greatest extent, sea level was 100–120 m below modern sea-level and the coastline lay 700 to 1000 kilometers north of its current position. This plain did not undergo extensive glaciation during the Late Pleistocene or the Last Glacial Maximum because it lay in the rain shadow of the Northern European ice sheet. During the frigid polar climate of the Last Glacial Maximum, 17,000 to 24,000 BC, small passive ice caps formed on the adjacent De Long Islands. Fragments of these ice caps remain on JeannetteHenrietta, and Bennett Islands. Traces of former small slope and cirque glaciers in the form of buried ground ice deposits are preserved on Zhokhov Island. The sea submerged the Great Arctic Plain (except for the New Siberian and other isolated islands) within a relatively short time span of 7,000 years during the Early–Middle Holocene.[8][9][10]


As noted by Digby[11] and numerous later publications, this archipelago consists of a mixture of folded and faulted sedimentary and igneous rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Pliocene. The Lyakhovsky Islands consist of a folded and faulted assemblage of Precambrian metamorphic rocks; upper Paleozoic to Triassic sandstones and shalesJurassic to lower Cretaceous turbidites; Cretaceous granites; and ophiolites. The Anzhu Islands consist of a highly faulted and folded assemblage of Ordovician to Devonian limestonesdolomites, sandstones, shales, volcanoclastic strata, and igneous rocks; upper Paleozoic to Triassic sandstones and shales; Jurassic to lower Cretaceous turbidites; and upper Cretaceous to Pliocene sandstones and shales. The De Long Islands consist of early Paleozoic, middle Paleozoic, Cretaceous, and Neogene sedimentary and igneous (mostly basalt) rocks. These sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks are mantled by loose Pleistocene and Holocene sediments that range in thickness from a fraction of a meter to about 35 meters (115 feet).[12][13]

Digby[11] also noted that some early papers published about the New Siberian Islands incorrectly describe them, often along with other Arctic islands (e.g. Wrangel Island), as being made either up almost entirely of mammoth bones and tusks or of ice, sand, and the bones of mammoths and other extinct megafauna. Some of these papers were written by persons (e.g. D. Gath Whitley)[14] who had never visited the New Siberian Islands and relied upon anecdotes of traders and travelers and local folklore for their descriptions of them, and other articles were written by explorers and ivory hunters untrained in either geology or other sciences. Such statements have been shown to be fictional in nature by detailed studies of the geology of the New Siberian Islands by professional geologists, paleontologists, and other scientists.[2][13][15][16]

Ivory deposits[edit]

As noted by Baron Eduard V. Toll in his account of the New Siberian Islands,[17] sizeable and economically significant accumulations of fossil ivory occur within them. The ivory, along with mammoth and other bones, are found in recent beaches, drainage areas, river terraces and river beds. The New Siberian Islands are unique in the burial and preservation of fossil ivory "in such a wonderful state of preservation that the tusks so found cannot be distinguished from the very best and purest ivory".

The abundant bones, even skeletons, of mammoth, rhinoceros, musk-ox, and other megafauna along with the mammoth ivory found in these islands are preserved by permafrost, in which they are encased.[2][12][15][18] The permafrost periodically developed in Late Pleistocene loesssolifluctionpond, and stream sediments as they accumulated. The radiocarbon dating of bones, ivory, and plants, optically stimulated luminescence dating of enclosing sediments, and uranium-thorium dating of associated peats demonstrate that they accumulated over a period of some 200,000 years. Radiocarbon dates obtained from the collagen of 87 mammoth tusks and bones collected from FaddeevskyKotelniy, and New Siberia islands ranged from 9470±40 BP to greater than 50,000 BP (14C).[19]

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Ambassade du Danemark au Maroc


14, Rue Tiddas angle Rue Roudana


Quartier Hassan


10020 Rabat, Maroc


Tel.: +212 (0) 537 665 020


Fax: +212 (0) 537 660 581



Un visa vous permet de séjourner au maximum 90 jours dans l'espace Schengen au cours d'une période de 180 jours. Il vous correspond de décider si vous voulez rester 90 jours consécutifs ou si vous voulez faire des allers-retours au cours des 180 jours.


 Veuillez noter que ce visa ne vous permet pas de travailler au Danemark.



Toute personne titulaire d'un passeport en cours de validité peut demander un visa Schengen. Le passeport doit être valable 3 mois après la date d'expiration du visa et ne doit pas avoir été délivré il y a plus de 10 ans. En outre, le passeport doit comporter au moins deux pages vierges.





 Frais d’instruction de dossier


Visa touristique (maximum 90 jours)




Visa touristique pour les enfants (pour les enfants âgés de 6 à 11 ans)






Le Danemark est un pays relativement plat dont le point culminant est la colline Yding Skovhøj, qui atteint à peine 172,54 mètres. C'est également le plus petit pays de Scandinavie et le 22e plus petit d'Europe. 
Le pays compte 444 îles, mais seulement 76 d’entre elles environ sont habitées, et si nager dans l’océan est votre tasse de thé, vous ne serez jamais à plus de 52 km de l’océan ! De plus, le port de Copenhague, qui transporte environ 10 % des marchandises mondiales, est suffisamment propre pour y nager.

 ////***+++Les meilleures villes où vivre au Danemark 

Copenhague Copenhague est considérée comme l'une des villes les plus chères au monde et a également été classée parmi les 15 villes les plus chères d'Europe. Cependant, avec les salaires élevés payés dans cette ville pour les travailleurs qualifiés, le coût de la vie élevé finit par devenir imperceptible à mesure que l'on s'habitue au coût de la vie général. Copenhague est considérée comme une ville « heureuse ». Il est également considéré comme sûr, tout comme l’air pur et l’eau. En ce qui concerne les attractions culturelles, vous pouvez explorer tout, de l'histoire ancienne des Vikings aux collections d'art moderne. La ville est ultra propre et offre de nombreux espaces verts avec d'excellentes voies navigables et de belles zones résidentielles. Plein de restaurants passionnants et modernes, vous trouverez de quoi satisfaire vos papilles gustatives. 

 +++**-/ autres villes *-/++ 
 Aarhus* Odense* Aalborg* Vejle*Esbjerg

 En obtenant un visa Schengen, vous pourrez vous rendre dans les pays suivants :

  • Autriche, Belgique, République Tchèque, Danemark, Estonie, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Pologne, Portugal, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Espagne, Suède, Suisse, Liechtenstein.